CTRL-ALT-DELETE … The “Reset” Begins
By Christina Khoo
While many in Singapore are struggling with our circuit breaker measures, there are many others in various parts of the world who have had it a whole lot worse - total lockdowns and even strict curfew timings imposed. If we stepped back to observe, it’s really interesting to see all the ways different people respond or react to having such restrictions imposed on them.
From rational acceptance and compliance of varying degrees of comfort to the other end of the continuum unruly protesting while brandishing semi-automatics in front of Michigan’s capitol. To ask why would possibly open a pandora’s box of reasons and arguments, all of which have their own merits and perspectives.
So rather than focus on the “Why” of yours and others’ reactions, I’d like to propose (as all coaches do) that we reframe the situation and look ahead instead.
Like it or not, a huge RESET button has been hit - some would say that a higher power (or the Universe) saw the need for reformation and restoration of our world. Another way to look at it, I suppose, would be that we have all been given the opportunity to reset our own lives. And quite honestly, I am now quite grateful having taken this perspective - as I’m not sure if I’ll ever have another opportunity in my lifetime to have a stretch of a couple of weeks (or months) of “pause” to do just that. I’m not saying that everyone of us needs an absolute overhaul because we’ve had such messed-up lives and lifestyles, but the truth, I’m sure, is that we all can do with some housekeeping and tidying up of lifestyle habits perhaps, and maybe even reviewing and renewing some relationships in our lives. Or on a deeper level, reconnecting with our personal values and life purpose.
Lately I’ve been hearing many people lament “What I really miss is …” - as they look back to what they had pre-CB. And we’ve all entertained those thoughts I’m sure. Nothing wrong. Perhaps I would like to challenge anyone reading this blog to consider another question instead - What am I NOT missing? And if we’re really honest about it, the answers could vary from…. “the morning traffic jam" to the “crappy canteen food” to “all the distractions and interruptions while I’m trying to work”. Or they could also be “not enough family time” or “no time to have quality bonding moments with my children” or “no time or energy to exercise”. Interesting huh?
So rather than just being able to accurately articulate what we’re actually missing in this circuit breaker period, I would like to propose that we all take a trip down Gratitude Lane for a bit and acknowledge everything we have positively gained (apart from the inches around our waist!). Having an attitude of gratitude shifts our perspective, and mood, in quite a dramatic fashion. Some may find this difficult at the start - because it’s natural and easier to always be seeing what’s wrong rather than what’s right - but persevere and I assure you that you won’t be the only one who benefits. Ask your family members.
Then you’re ready to begin envisioning your “new normal”. If any of you thinks that life post-CB is going to be exactly same-old-same-old…. dare I say that you might be a little delusional? But wait a minute - why would anyone want it to be same-old-same-old? When you and I actually have an opportunity to create something better. And as I said earlier, we’re not looking for a major overhaul, but I’m sure there are more than just a few tweaks we could make. So here’s my contribution to your thinking project - “My Top 3”:
Make a list of the Top 3 things you really miss doing or having (pre-CB)
These should be important and add value to your life
Make a list of the Top 3 things that you’re really grateful for
Such as what you are able to do or have during this circuit breaker period.
Again, they should be important and add value to your life.
What are your Top 3 personal values in life?
e.g. Health, Integrity, Compassion, Success etc
What are the Top 3 lessons you learnt about yourself in this period?
e.g. I’m really good at…, I really enjoy…
What are the Top 3 new good habits you’ve incorporated since the CB started?
You get the drift. I would encourage you to add a couple more questions. Do it for yourself or even with your loved ones. I can only imagine what a productive and inspiring conversation that might be. Now you’re ready to begin building the foundation of your “new normal”.
This post is written by Christina Khoo, co-founder and active member of Compass Golf Club.
Christina is a leadership and executive coach who works with individuals and teams seeking to create sustainable change by employing a brain-based approach to her coaching. Her belief in the inexhaustible human potential in people fuels her quest to provide inspirational messages, structures and systems to facilitate self-discovery and greater achievements in her clients.
She comes with a background of 25 years in the financial services industry where she honed her skills as a respected leader, coach and motivator to thousands of consultants. A great communicator, her engaging presentations have made her a well sought-after speaker and trainer in the industry. She has graced many platforms and training events both locally and internationally over the past 20 years, addressing audiences on a range of topics from sales & marketing, to leadership and management and personal & professional effectiveness.