Corridor Practice
By Justin Han, Director of Golf Performance
I’m sure we all have heard the term “on plane” or”‘off plane” in our Golf swings. What do these terms mean and how can you practice an “on plane” Golf swing?
Here’s how your corridor at home can help.
A) Set up with the clubhead close to your corridor wall at home. Do a small backswing check to see if you have ample space to move your club.
B) Make a backswing
C) Make a downswing motion. When you get the lead arm parallel with the ground , the butt of the club should point at the edge of the wall
From here , the club should return back to its starting point with no worries of striking the wall before moving around your body
D) An over the top motion/out of plane motion will cause you to move the clubhead towards the wall on the downswing
E) And an excessive in to out motion will cause you to move the club head towards the wall at the bottom
Give this a go and I’m sure it will sort out your swing direction when you get back out there!